Tricks to keeping your heart young and healthy
Drink Coffee: Moderate coffee consumption, particularly one to three cups per day, is linked with a reduced risk of metabolic heart diseases such as type 2 diabetes, stroke, and cardiovascular disease. Researchers analyzing data from over half a million people found that individuals with moderate caffeine intake have approximately a 41% lower chance of developing metabolic heart diseases. The greatest risk reduction was observed in those who drank about three cups of coffee daily.
Despite the potential health benefits associated with coffee and caffeine consumption, like vasodilation and reducing bad cholesterol, experts warn that not all caffeinated beverages are equal, and moderation should be observed in drinking coffee and tea.
Several things can lead to plaque building up inside your arteries, including:
Too much cholesterol in the blood
High blood pressure
Too much sugar in the blood because of diabetes
When plaque blocks an artery, it’s hard for blood to flow to the heart. A blocked artery can cause chest pain or a heart attack.