Sample Of Works By The Iranian Cartoonist Mana Neyestani
(You can buy Mana Neyestani’s books here) The beauty and intensity in these cartoons speaks volumes. You could have an entire university course centered around these political cartoons. They cover topics ranging from the meaning of freedom. The nature of oppression. Rule of propaganda. The oppressive nature of silence and the repression that results from it. Mana Neyestani has a masterful ability to send chills up your spine that sneak into your brain and force you to think.
To think about the meaning, to think about the stories, the lives and events that went behind these cartoons. With all the protests occurring in Iran nowadays his work has resurfaced to remind people of just what exactly is going on inside. It’s easy to be numb to the situation inside, but a mere look at his work fills the heart and soul with a sense of heaviness towards what’s happening to the people of Iran. Art and philosophy merge beautifully in mana’s work. Well, is there really a difference between the two?