If your parents had cancer, how much at risk are you?

How significant is genetics in cancer?

Can the environment amplify the role of genetics? Genetics alone is not the sole cause of cancer; instead, environmental factors can amplify the role of genetics and increase the risk of developing cancer.

Research has shown that the combination of environmental and genetic factors can multiply the risk of hereditary cancers. Here’s how the environment impacts hereditary cancers: Dietary factors: High-fat, low-fiber diets can increase the risk of colon and stomach cancer. This is particularly serious for individuals with a family history of cancer. Chemicals and air pollution: People exposed to toxic chemicals like benzene or asbestos, especially if they carry related genetic mutations, have a higher likelihood of developing cancer. Sedentary lifestyle: Lack of regular physical activity can have a negative impact on gene expression, potentially accelerating the cancer pathway.

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February 1, 2025 | 5:24 am