If you can’t sleep at night, what should you not do?

According to him, the best solution – believe it or not – is to decide to stay awake. You can resist sleep and let it happen naturally. Professor Espie adds: “When you try not to get angry, you get angrier, when you try not to stutter, you stutter more. This shows us a very important point: mental processes can create obstacles, and we need to follow the right behavioral pattern to form and stabilize a habit without constantly focusing on it. This is ultimately what leads to a comfortable and natural sleep.”

Professor Espie adds that genetics might also play a role: “Vulnerability to stress, vulnerability to irritability or hyperactivity can be an inherited trait, and you see this in families. There’s evidence that our sleep timing varies. For example, in families, there might be someone who is more active in the morning and another who is active at night. However, insomnia as a condition is very complex, and multiple factors contribute to it.”

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February 14, 2025 | 5:20 am