If you can’t sleep at night, what should you not do?

According to Dr. Orchard, two processes help us to sleep and wake up. She says: “These processes involve sleep hormones that induce sleep, and the pressure and fatigue that accumulate over the day. For a good sleep, these two processes must work well in coordination with each other. If this coordination is disrupted – for example, if we’ve taken a nap in the afternoon or evening – these processes might not be in sync, making it harder to fall asleep.”

She adds: “What happens in insomnia is that external stimuli or factors, like stress, might be involved.” Professor Espie says age can also be a significant factor: “The sleep system changes with age, and so does the body’s circadian system. The sleep system relates to the amount and depth of sleep, while the circadian system relates to the timing of sleep. With age, sleep naturally becomes a bit more fragmented.”

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February 14, 2025 | 5:20 am