Do’s and Don’ts of Socializing
6- No Gossip or Rumors
Avoid spreading rumors. If you’re talking about someone who isn’t there, don’t say anything you wouldn’t say to their face. Give honest compliments. Focus on someone’s abilities, character, or the accessories they’ve chosen to wear when complimenting them.
If someone says something you find offensive, don’t start an argument; quickly move to another topic. Use positive humor; don’t demean yourself or others for laughs. Here’s a guide on how to be funny in conversation. If you’re telling a story, keep it short and relevant. Here’s how to master storytelling. Even if you’re naturally introverted, act like an extrovert. Check out this guide to being more energetic.
7- Bringing Family or Friends
Unless specified in the invitation, bringing a family member or friend to an office party is definitely not recommended. If the event specifically requires the presence of family and friends or if you’ve been asked to bring someone, you can; but check this beforehand and ensure your spouse or friends also adhere to the dress code.
8- Balance in Eating and Drinking
These are the main activities at any event or party, but inappropriate behavior often follows excessive eating or drinking. Many employees have been fired due to things said or done after overindulging. Remember, a corporate party isn’t an opportunity to eat everything you can or engage in drinking games and betting with friends. These should be reserved for your private time, away from work and colleagues. It’s better to eat and drink moderately at a company party or stick to non-alcoholic beverages to avoid any discomfort.