Do probiotics really help with weight loss and reducing belly fat?

Should you take probiotics daily? For healthy individuals, getting probiotics from food might be more beneficial than taking supplements. Probiotic supplements might or might not affect weight loss or overall health. A supplement might not contain the advertised strains or enough live bacteria.

However, probiotic supplements are generally not considered overly risky for healthy individuals in terms of side effects. Some might experience bloating or other digestive effects from altering their microbiome.

Potential Risks

While probiotics are considered safe for most people, they are not without risks:

Systemic infections (probiotic bacteria attacking body tissues or entering the bloodstream)

Altering metabolism in an unhelpful or unhealthy way

Transferring antibiotic resistance genes from probiotic organisms to others in the microbiome

Overstimulating the immune system

Other risks include:

Probiotic products lacking what’s stated on the packaging

Interactions with prescribed medications or other supplements

Gastrointestinal symptoms

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February 7, 2025 | 6:02 am